If you want to cancel your membership with Rentalo.com for any
reason during the first nine (9) months of advertising with us, as per
your written request, we will issue a refund as follows:
0 to 3 months - 50%
3+ to 9 months - 25%
9+ months - 0% (Please refer to our 1000% ROI Guarantee)
Refunds are only available to new clients advertising in Rentalo.com for the first time during the first 9 months of service. Second or subsequent listings do not qualify for this refund.
This policy is effective for new
memberships starting on or after January 1, 2006, and it is subjected to
change any time without notice.
Rentalo reserves the final decision on all refund requests.
To request a refund in writing, please contact us. Please indicate the reason of cancellation along with your Rentalo ID number.